This step creates an actual array object on the heap memory with the specified size i.e.) number of elements this array will hold. Size must be a positive integer value. This is done using new [...]
One Dimensional Array Initializing an array means assigning values to the array elements. It can be either primitive values (12, 75.5, true, etc) or object reference (Animal, Person, String, etc) [...]
This is the second method for declaring, creating and initializing an array object in one line. Primitive How this works? Declares a double array reference variable named studentAvgs; Creates a [...]
This is the third method for declaring, creating and initializing an array object in one line. One Dimensional Array or, When you use this method size should not be specified. Person[] arr = new [...]
Using Enhanced For-loop This is a specialized for loop introduced in Java SE 6 to loop through an array or collection. It has two parts for(declaration : expression) declaration newly declared [...]
Array Creation There are three ways of creating an array. Array Length Length/size of the array can be obtained using arrayReferenceName.length Illegal Array Declaration You should not specify [...]