BETWEEN…AND allows you to retrieve values within a specific range. The usage of BETWEEN is as follows:

SELECT column_list FROM table_name WHERE column_1 BETWEEN lower_range AND upper_range

MySQL returns all records in which the column_1 value is in the range of lower_range and upper_range including the values lower_range and upper_range.

Suppose we want to find the number of employees whose salaries are in between 150000 and 200000. The query is as follows.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM salaries WHERE salary BETWEEN 150000 AND 200000;

Mysql also has an operator NOT BETWEEN…AND which will retrieve values not in the range specified.

SELECT column_list FROM table_name WHERE column_1 NOT BETWEEN lower_range AND upper_range


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM salaries WHERE salary NOT BETWEEN 150000 AND 200000;

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